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Forest fuel systems utilising tree sections : system evaluation and development of evaluation methodology

Hillring, Bengt


This study had two main aims. The first was to increase knowledge of forest fuel systems utilising tree sections, especially that concerning interactions with factors external to the system. The second was to develop the technique of 'retrospective position analysis' as a means of evaluating projects. Position analysis is identified as an adequate evaluation method and is retrospectively applied to the evaluation of projects. Position analysis permits broad-system studies and process evaluation of each project, which gives a good base for understanding the effects and outcome of projects and of the system as a whole. The main conclusion from evaluation of tree-section systems is that, although there was much activity in the mid 1980s, utilisation decreased in the early 1990s. owing to low oil prices and to the low price of other biofuels. An increase in the quality requirements of pulp and primary paper products during the evaluation period, made it difficult for tree-section systems to attain the new grades. The technical development of tree-section systems is also lagging behind. However, a few local tree-section systems still are competitive.


position analysis; forestry; tree-section terminals; case studies; Sweden

Publicerad i

Studia Forestalia Suecica
1996, ISBN: 91-576-5175-2Utgivare: Faculty of Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

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