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Forskningsartikel2010Vetenskapligt granskad

A study of stakeholders' perspectives on multi-functional forests in Europe

Nijnik Maria, Nijnik Albert, Lundin Lars, Staszewski Tomasz, Postolache Carmen


This paper explores major opportunities and challenges of the development of multi-functional forestry in Europe by analysing existing attitudes of forestry stakeholders from Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the UK. The research applies a combination of qualitative social science (participatory) approaches and quantitative tools as a means for understanding of a sensitive system of interactions between manifold socio-economic and nature protection activities in European forests that are managed for multiple purposes. Heterogeneity of attitudes of forestry stakeholders, concerning wood production, biodiversity conservation and provision of other ecosystem services, as well as of practical issues and benefits of multi-functional forestry to local communities are analysed by using the Q-methodology. Stakeholders’ perspectives regarding multi-functional forests and their sustainable management are identified through characterization of attitudinal groups and discursive analysis. Key factors influencing the attitudinal diversity are examined. Research outputs reveal the diversity of existing perspectives, together with stakeholder’s overall realisation of multifunctional forestry and their general support of sustainable forest management


Forests; ecosystem services; biodiversity; forest management systems; stakeholder evaluation; the Netherlands; Poland; Romania; Sweden; the United Kingdom

Publicerad i

Forests, Trees and Livelihoods
2010, Volym: 19, nummer: 4, sidor: 341-358
Utgivare: AB Academic Publishers, GB

      SLU författare

    • Lundin, Lars

      • Institutionen för miljöanalys, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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