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Forskningsartikel2013Vetenskapligt granskad

Opportunities and Constraints for Small Agricultural Exporters in Egypt

Abouhatab, Assem; Hess, Sebastian


This study analyzed specialist small-and medium-sized agricultural export firms in Egypt in order to identify perceived opportunities and barriers regarding present and future export activities. The results indicate that these firms have to deal with stiff foreign competition in terms of price and quality criteria, while lacking relevant knowledge and information on how to deal with these challenges. The firms that perceived most future opportunities from exports were identified as using e. g. digital information sources and were able to source products from export-committed domestic farmers.


agricultural exports; Egypt; non-tariff barriers; ordered probit model

Publicerad i

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review
2013, Volym: 16, nummer: 4, sidor: 77-100 Utgivare: INT FOOD & AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT REVIEW

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