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Forskningsartikel2015Vetenskapligt granskad

Retention forestry in Sweden: driving forces, debate and implementation 1968-2003

Simonsson, Per; Gustafsson, Lena; Östlund, Lars


Retention forestry (RF) is a modified form of clear-cutting that has been introduced recently in several countries. It is intended to integrate the conservation of biodiversity with timber production and to maintain the provision of other ecosystem services by retaining important forest qualities, habitats and structures. In this study we seek to identify forces driving the conceptual development, acceptance and implementation of RF in Sweden by describing and investigating the RF debate among foresters and environmental NGOs from 1968 to 2003. Specifically, we seek to elucidate when RF was first proposed, the arguments for and against it, and pivotal trends in the debate. Our study is based on thorough systematic analysis of articles published in journals issued by two non-profit associations. Our data show that the development of RF in Sweden was driven by several interacting factors and we distinguish critical time periods, from strong debates and conflicts during the 1970s until the breakthrough of forestry certification at the turn of the millennium. We argue that historical analysis of the forces driving changes in forestry management is important for elucidating why changes occur and the dynamic nature of perceptions and uses of forest ecosystems in modern societies.


forest history; forest management; environmental history; clear-cutting; driving forces; conservation

Publicerad i

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
2015, Volym: 30, nummer: 2, sidor: 154-173

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