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Forskningsartikel2015Vetenskapligt granskadÖppen tillgång

Potential side effects of biocontrol and plant-growth promoting Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria on earthworms

Lagerlof J, Ayuke F, Bejai S, Jorge G, Lagerqvist E, Meijer J, Muturi JJ, Soderlund S


After 1-2 months, survival, growth and reproduction of the earthworms were recorded. We found no effect of the treatments as compared to control without BA amendments. We conclude that the use of high doses of BA with concentrations at the same magnitude as maximally expected when the bacteria are used as PGPR and BCA, is not harmful to the soil dwelling earthworms tested in this project. Further studies of the ecological effects of PGPR and BCA bacteria on other non-target soil organisms are encouraged. The development of sustainable agricultural systems, where ecosystem services are optimized, has to be aided by a deeper knowledge of the combined effect of bacteria and earthworms on the promotion of plant health. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Growth; Reproduction; Toxicity test; Biocontrol agents

Publicerad i

Applied Soil Ecology
2015, Volym: 96, sidor: 159-164

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